Aktiv engagiert

Um unsere Mission zu unterstützen, Erträge und Verantwortung zu liefern, arbeiten wir mit Unternehmen zusammen, um sie bei der Verbesserung und Aufrechterhaltung ihrer ESG Aktivitäten zu unterstützen.

Positive Veränderungen schaffen

Unserer Ansicht nach können wir auf diese Weise am besten den Unternehmenswert schützen, das langfristige Ergebnis verbessern und positive Veränderungen anstoßen. Unser Vorgehen schließt die Ausübung unseres formalen Stimmrechts sowie das Engagement in Unternehmen und deren Ermutigung zur Verbesserung ihres Managementsystems und ihrer ESG-Leistung ein.

Quelle: Nordea Asset Management Responsible Investments Report 2023

Methane Collaborative Engagement

Methane is a greenhouse gas with a warming effect of a full 80 times that of C02. That makes bringing down emissions of methane one of the most effective short-term ways to slow the rate of climate change. In the blistering heat of Texas, Nordea Asset Management and collaborators went on a week-long field trip to Houston and the Permian Basin to engage 12 oil and gas companies on methane emissions measurement, reporting and mitigation. The objective is for target companies to achieve near-zero methane emissions backed by the Oil and Gas Methane Partnership 2.0 (OGMP 2.0) Gold Standard reporting. The team also participated as speakers at the Global Methane Mitigation Summit, and arranged targeted workshops both in Texas and later in Canada, bringing new companies together with experts from the United Nations and existing signatories to OGMP 2.0, to learn from each other.

Methane Engagement Case

Engaging with companies in the oil and gas industry on the disclosure and mitigation of their methane emissions.

Key points:

2024 PRI Award Winner
Methane Engagement Campaign

In October 2024, NAM won the “Recognition for Action – Climate” award at the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) Awards ceremony in Toronto, Canada.

NAM has been recognized for its leadership in spearheading a collaborative engagement of approximately 20 investors focused on enhancing disclosures and reducing company methane emissions to near zero within the energy, utilities and waste management sectors.

Nordea asset management PRI award 2024

Gefahr im Wasser

Zusammenarbeit mit Pharmaunternehmen, um ihre Rolle in der indischen Wasserverschmutzung anzugehen
